Children change everything, emotions, time, life and everything in between. From a neat and clean home before they came along, it has become a little toy store, and keeping these toys organised is no less than a challenging task. This guide is here to help you create an essential storage system that is functional and engaging which allows you to teach your children how to keep things neat and organised in a fun yet comfortable manner.

The Big Cleanup!

Before you start planning a whirlwind of how to organise these toys that are most likely everywhere, first gather them all together and start with the Big Cleanup – Decluttering. Observe the toys your children are frequently playing with as compared to the ones they’ve most likely outgrown or lost interest in, those are the ones that can be given away or thrown and your child may likely not notice. 

While decluttering, it is also a best practice to involve your child in the process as it will help them develop an understanding of the value of letting go, especially of unused toys.  The best way to get rid of these toys is to either donate them or if they are little or completely damaged throw them away. Now you have good enough space in your home and knowledge of toys that are there to start categorising and organising.

Pile and Categorise Toys Together

The toys at this point must be in one big pile, start separating them by categories as this is an extremely effective way to make storage and retrieval easier. There are various categories basis your toy you can group the toys like building blocks, lego sets, dolls, action figures, cars, art supplies and puzzles. 

By shifting the toys from one big pile to their necessary category, you will be able to determine and create the best storage solution for each of them. 

Decide Where the Toys Will Go

You know now how many toys you have and what are the categories, move towards choosing a location in your home (best is where the kids play the most) and pick a spot that is easily accessible to your child to store these toys. It could be the dedicated playroom, a corner in the living room or even small baskets in various rooms. 

Ensure that this spot is easily accessible to your child as this will encourage independent play and demonstrate a fun way to clean up after.

Choose Suitable Storage Options

Based on where these toys will be stored, you can determine what kind of storage system or option you’d like to use. Here are some ideas:


TROFAST Storage unit is one of the most popular items when it comes to storing your kid’s toys! The frame has several grooves which allow you to place boxes and shelves where ever you want to while also giving you leverage to change this at any point. The low storage features give children accessibility to reach and organise their things as they please.

Available on Amazon

Basket and Bins

This has proven to be a fun and very cute way to store toys. With the collapsible bottom feature, you can assemble it anywhere or fold it and put it away! The cute animal storage cubes that measure 13x13x13” fit in almost any space and are also suitable for car travels and road trips. Ideal to store toys, books clothes, shoes and even pet products!

Available on Amazon

Bed Storage

This bed is an ideal bed frame for small rooms and provides great storage space to keep toys, clothes, and even bedding. This is a low-profile and easily accessible storage unit with an extremely cute cloud-shaped design that helps odd out the comprise of style. 

Available on Amazon

Reading Corner with storage space

With this cosy reading corner create a cosy space and be able to store books and toys in this built-in storage unit. The bookshelves with bins or basket at the bottom to store creates a dual-puprose area that encourages children to read while also is a designated spot to store toys.

Available on Amazon

Hanging Storage Bins

Any vertical space can be utilised by installing these hanging storage bins! It can attached to walls or/and back doors and is a perfect storage unit for storing small toys or even art supplies. These hanging bins are a creative way of keeping toys off the floor while also being easily accessible for your children.

Available on Amazon

Puzzle Organizer

Puzzles on the floor can be easily misplaced which can be rather irritating if you are nearly done with your puzzle but with this Puzzle Organiser that can be avoided. It keeps puzzle pieces together when rolled up and it is easy to move. Also easy to clean the debris and dust.If you want to pause and save the game for the next time, please place the inflated tube at either end of mat, roll up the mat slowly and steadily with even pressure, then fasten both ends with elastic bands, and finally store the roll in the storage bag.

Available on Amazon

By starting with a thorough cleanup, categorizing toys, and choosing the right storage solutions, you can create a functional and engaging system. Involving your children in this process not only helps in maintaining order but also teaches them valuable skills in organization and responsibility. With creativity and thoughtful planning, you can keep your home tidy and make toy storage a fun and manageable part of family life.

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